Sunday, June 22, 2008

Life on life-My before I met christ and the pic on my profile is the aftermeeting. LOL!

Hey how is everyone doin and god bless and grace and peace to everyone. I just wanted to talk about something. I always wondered why do so many people run away from "life "and if you dont know what I'm talking about I'm about to explain it to you o.k. You see adam and eve caused an erruption in the kingdom of God which brought about sin which we were born into which lead to God wrath when they both ate from the fruit of knowledge which god had forbid them to eat from the tree of knowledge which is the tree of good and evil but they were decieved by the serpent which was satan o.k. Now satan used to be an angel in heaven and he wanted gods power to be like Jehovah but you all know that that couldn't happen so he dissed God and was booted out of heaven and this is when he became satan in heaven his name was Lucifer and he was casted down to earth were he is leading us all in decite which brings me to this this war is about to end satans time is up but is your time up too? Why believe in what we see when all we see in this world is wickedness and evil why not believe in something the naked eye can't see you gotta be thinking that what we can't see has to be better than what we can't see so I just want to know leave comments please why do us a people as a nation run from life "the bread of life" which is the son of the god whom which he sacraficed his son to save us from his wrath. I'm speaking of Christ. So tell me why you don't go to the body or church and what is keepin you from seeking christ's glory after all we live by his grace and he is the reason we breath cause with a snap of his fingers we could be back to the dust which we were made. So just hit me up and let me know why you stray from christ. 1Christ Luv! L.I.C. 4life

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